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Indian Christian Mission : Giving free education in Bihar

Indian Christian Mission : Supporting Education

Indian Christian Mission (ICM) came into existence as a response to the vision given by God to Pastor Samuelkutty Mathai. This mission was setup with faith as the only capital. ICM was formally founded on March 10, 1990. As the visionary’s efforts began to develop, more churches were planted as far as in Bihar, Delhi and Kerala. ICM runs three schools in Bihar: In Helhan, Khuduhuriah & Kochas. The mission also has a project for children from the weaker sections of the society- Kochas Child Development Centre, founded in 2002. ICM runs a theological college in Kerala, Faith Celebration Bible College, accredited by IATA.

Indian Christian Mission Schools

Some decades back Bihar was recognized as a place without even a gleam of hope, rampant corruption being the prime reason. The situation has slightly improved due to committed and focused efforts from different quarters.

In 1992, Pastor M. Samuelkutty visited Bihar for the first time. When he saw the lack of educational facilities and the resultant gloom, he decided to light a candle. In 1997, Indian Christian Mission School was established in Helhan village. Now ICM runs three schools in Bihar, with 650 students and 22 teachers. ICM provides scholarships to those who are brilliant in studies but come from poor families. These three schools are Indian Christian Mission School, Helhan, Indian Christian Mission School, Kochas and Indian Christian Mission School, Khuduhuriah. The area of education was completely neglected leading to the underdevelopment of the society and the state. The government schools were run in poor buildings and the total mismanagement worsened the situation. Private participation in education was nearly absent, especially in villages. The situation prevailing was ideal for illiteracy and ignorance.

ICM Academies

To help the poor for basic education, ICM started 4 academies in four remote villages where ICM does not have schools. They are named ICM Academies. ICM Academies provides special tuitions to students who are interested in learning. More than 400 students come and get educated in these academies.

Kochas Child Development Centre, Bihar

Jesus Christ during His ministry on this earth had shown special concern for children. He still loves and cares for them. One among the preset goals of Indian Christian Mission is to help channelizing this divine love, so that the deprived children in areas like Bihar might have hope and reason to live. Accordingly, besides running the three Indian Christian Missions School, the mission also has a project for children from the weaker sections of the society- Kochas Child Development Centre, founded in 2002. Presently, 158 children are benefactors of this project. The centre aims at the spiritual, educational, social and physical growth of the underprivileged children from rural areas thereby bringing to the mainstream of the society. The centre provides the children fees, study materials, uniforms, food, medical treatment etc.

Scholarships to Students

To encourage academic excellence, FCM give scholarships and cash awards to poor students periodically. The scholarship or the cash award can boost the morale of a student and the money can be utilized to meet educational expenses. Financial assistance for higher studies is provided up to graduate level in different disciplines including professional subjects such as B-Tech, Diploma, ITI and Nursing Etc to bright and intelligent students belonging to financially weaker sections of the society.

Home to the Homeless

Shelter is one of the basic needs of man. But, even in a scientifically advanced age as ours, homelessness continues to be a major problem worldwide. Millions live in slums, in shacks in open spaces, on sidewalks, under flyovers etc. There are people who despite owning a small piece of land, cannot build a reasonably decent house because of financial constraints. Hence, home for the homeless has been a prime objective of Indian Christian Mission since inception.

Till now, ICM has built 2 homes for believers who could not afford one. On 2010 April 6th, the house built for Brother N. Jose and family, members of Ivarkala Faith Fellowship Church, was dedicated by Pastor M.Samuelkutty in the presence of believers from the local church. Brother Jose thanked ICM for gifting him a brand new house.

Message from the President

The Secret of  Bearing Fruit

Many Christian organizations are working in different capacities all over the world. Most of them who work in local, national and international levels seem to be efficient at first sight. Organizations really bearing fruit are the ones that prove spiritually beneficial to people besides the philanthropic activities they do. Spirituality doesn’t imply superficial activities. It is an act of deep rooted growth. Many times people ask questions to the leaders of organizations which are used in God’s hand,

“What is the secret behind the success of your organization”?

Twenty Seven years have passed since the inception of Indian Christian Mission. Thus far, we could remain as an organization which bears fruit for God. We are humbling ourselves before God for enabling us to continue in bearing fruit. Indian Christian Mission is pledged to continue in sharing the water of comfort to those who live in the dry terrains of our country. While we thank the Almighty for making us grow, we also would like to thank the well wishers and co-walkers for their help and support. Please continue in praying for us.

If somebody asks me the secret behind Indian Christian Mission bearing fruit for such a long time, I don’t have any incomprehensive formula to offer. It is a secret which is revealed in the Bible. Because we abide in Christ, Indian Christian Mission could bear fruit and stand fruitfully as a tree before the presence of our Lord. When many big and small trees could not bear fruit, Indian Christian Mission could bear fruit only because of abiding in the Word of God. The Gospel of John 15:4,5 says, “Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself. It must remain in the vine. I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing”. So the secret of bearing fruit by persons or organization need not to be investigated more.

Many people and organizations fail in spiritual matters because they work without Jesus Christ. It is miserable to find the activities done in the name of Christ are done without Christ. Those trees which do not bear fruit will be burnt in fire. “If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up and thrown into fire and burned”. Instances of people whose activities were not fulfilled were found in the time of the first century church itself. Nowadays, they have become common.

We can find so many people abiding in Christ, allowing Christ to dwell in their lives. Their efforts are not only beneficial to the Church but also to the world. They are the oases in the dry desert lands. Their love and compassion can mitigate the heat of cruel and angry world outside. Let God plant more tress which bear fruit in a lovelorl world.

Some people boast like this “We too are trees that bear fruit”. But friends, how do you bear fruit? Make a self evaluation based on the words of Jesus Christ. “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into fire. Thus, by the fruit you will recognize them” (Mathew 7:16-20). When we identify others by their fruit, beware that they too identify us by our fruit. So we should try to bear fruit of Holy Spirit in us.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the light. When we live in that light we will become custodians of righteousness, justice and truth which is in the light. We should be filled with goodness. When we bear fruit for God we will bear fruit to the world also. When we bear fruit that is of repentance, we may be pelted with stones. But if we sustain without losing our faith, God will honor us. God has planted human beings in this earth with specific plans and expectations. Like we do not get grapes from bushes and figs from thistles there is a specific fruit expected from us. Apostle James says that we must be a kind of first fruits in the vast creation of God.

If we receive knowledge from above, we will be filled with good fruits. Like a tree planted by streams of waters, we should trust in our Lord to bear fruit. We should never neglect the warning of John the Baptist “The axe is already at the root of trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire” (Luke 3:9).  When the Gardener looks at us, let Him see us filled with fruits.

New Delhi,
February 22 , 2017

Pastor Samuelkutty Mathai

Post By Religion World