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A guru’s initiative to curb noise pollution

Swami Dipankar, the founder of Dipankar Dhayaan Foundation is charged with a mission. He took a pledge to control noise pollution in the society. As a spiritual figure he himself bring down a loud speaker from a hindu religious city and later went to Darul-Uloom to meet the Vice Chancellor Abul Nomani to consider his appeal for noise pollution. Temples, Mosques, Church and Gurudwara people supported him. Now he reached a distinguished school of Noida to teachers. After his Dipankar Dhyaan session, he ask everyone to take plegde to reduce noise from the society. This programme is also supported by Korean NGO HWPL, which is working for an International Law for Cessation of War.

Swami Dipankar Noise Pollution Campaign
Swami Dipankar Noise Pollution Campaign

Post By Religion World