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The XIV Muslim International Forum is held in Paris

The XIV Muslim International Forum is held in Paris

The XIV Muslim International Forum “Islam and the problems of globalization” is held on 10, December in Paris at “Hotel Lutetia” (Address: Lutetia, 45 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris, France)

The Forum is organized by: the Secretariat of the Muslim International Forum, the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation.

The Forum is expected to host heads and representatives of international religious organizations, leading scholars from research and educational institutions, representatives of authorities and public organizations from Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia and North America.

The Muslim International Forum unites all progressive forces of the Islamic world based on the integral concept of Quranic humanism, which allows finding ways of transforming Islam in the modern world within a creative compromise between tradition and modernity. Quranic humanism brings back an original meaning to the word “humanism”, namely, it considers man by his vicegerent on Earth (2:30). The classic enlightenment humanism, conceived as a project to decipher the powers of man’s mind, has led to contradictory results which we can clearly observe today: on the one hand, the achievements of science, technology and universal emancipation are obvious; on the other hand, all these achievements turn into a crisis consisting in the depreciation of traditional values. Besides, as the expenditures of the enlightenment project, we discern a decline in morals, an absolutization of subjectivity, an identity crisis, (post-)colonialism, environmental problems and other manifestations of what is commonly described in philosophy as “European nihilism”.

Since 2014, the Muslim International Forum has developed into an international level. At the 10th Muslim International Forum “The Mission of Religion and the Responsibility of its Followers to the Challenges of Modernity”, which was held in the Russian capital, Moscow, it was decided to hold the following forums primarily in foreign countries. Thus, the XI Forum was held in London in 2015 titled “Religion, identity and integration in the context of value transformations”. In 2016, led by Iran, the forum was held in Moscow named “Unity of Islam – unity of Muslims: dialogue bases”. In 2017, the XIII Muslim International Forum “Quranic Humanism and Global Problems of Modernity: strategies and solutions” was successfully held in Helsinki. This year, the next XIV Muslim International Forum is held in Paris.

The main topics which the XIV MIF is devoted to:

1) Islam and modern: problems of mutual influence and adaptation.

2) Islam and the problems of globalization.

3) Pluralistic dimension of Islam (poli-religiosity, multiculturalism, etc).

4) The future of Islam: between the Quranic humanism and radicalism.

5) Reformatory and renovation movement in Islam.

6) Deconstruction of tradition, “criticism of Islamic reason”.

7) Critical analysis of hadith-centrism and the phenomenon of the socialization of religion.

8) Fiqh in modern and postmodern conditions.

9) Basement of fiqh and Western legal theories: the search for convergence paths.

10) Islam and scientific rationality: the problem of harmonization.

11) Islamic philosophy: past, present and future.

12) Islamic philosophy in the context of the main trends in world philosophy.

13) Islamic philosophy of religion.

14) Islam and inter-religious dialogue.

15) The concept of the all-embracing divine grace and its relevance in the modern world.

16) Political dimension of Islam: the problem of the Islamic state (caliphate) and the actual disunity of the Ummah.

17) Gender problem and gender identity.

18) Legitimization of the arts in the legal and theological perspective of Islam: the problem of iconicity, mimesis and creative imagination.

19) Radicalization as a reaction to colonialism and Eurocentricity: overcoming and comprehending the consequences.

20) Forms of the existence of Islam in the modern West: integral traditionalism, Euro-Islam, Salafism.

21) The role of academic Islamic studies in the formation of the discourse on Islam.

Panel discussions of the XIV Muslim International Forum:

1. Pluralistic dimension of Islam.

2. Islam and interreligious dialogue.

3. The future of Islam: between the Quranic humanism and radicalism.

The forum is held in several formats. Apart from a series of reports followed by questions to the speakers and their discussions immediately after the presentations, round tables and engagement events are held further. In addition, during this event presentations of video and book products of the members of the MIF are planned to be displayed.

Post By Religion World