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Things to Do to Fortify Yourself against Coronavirus

Things to Do to Fortify Yourself against Coronavirus

A brief checklist of things one can do for better safety from coronavirus which has not yet assumed pandemic proportions outside of China but then who knows when it might. The number of infections and dead are rising continuously.

This checklist does not include what’s already widely known, like hygiene, keeping a distance from those with symptoms etc. but includes some of those things that can make a major difference to those who can follow them:

1. Deep yogic breathing – Already explained via a video and some articles posted here (video link included in post);

2. Deep breathing as often as possible. Exhale as much air as you can as often as possible and then inhale as deeply as you can. This must be done slowly, gently and comfortably without forcing or stressing oneself in any way;

3. Agnihotra – practicing fire worship regularly with materials specified. This has also been posted earlier and can be found on this page;

4. Gargling with warm salt water a few times a day, if possible;

5. Jal Neti – The yogic method of passing warm saline water from one nostril to another. There are many videos available online. If anyone wants a demo or any clarification, I’ll be glad to help;

6. Sipping warm water as often as possible to keep the throats well-hydrated;

7. Playing sports and doing yoga regularly;

8. Smile – its power and therapeutic abilities may not be scientifically known but those who practice it know how it helps them build greater immunity.

Kindly include as many of these activities as you can in your daily practice. And, stay healthy!

Remember Prevention is a lot better than cure.

– Rajyogi

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