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Read Quran in Hindi

Read Quran in Hindi

The Holy Quran is the foundation of the religion of Islam. According to the beliefs of Islam, the Quran (the entire Quran in Hindi) was revealed to Muhammad Saheb by the Messenger of Allah, Jibreel, from the year 710 until his death in 732. The total number of Kalmats (words) in the Quran is 86423. The total number of Huruf (letters) in the Quran is 323760. There are 114 verses in the Quran. There is 540 Ruku in the Quran. There are 14 prostrations in the Quran. The total import in the Quran is 6666. Bismillah Hirrahmanerheim has appeared 114 times in the Quran.

Click The link : Quran in Hindi 

After this initial thought, understand that according to the Quran what is the position of man on this earth?

Allah has sent man to this earth by making it his pratihari (caliph). Before sending it, he had properly explained to every person that they are going to earth for a short time, after that they have to return to him. Where he will get good or bad revenge for his actions which he did on earth. For this reason, the Quran has been asked to do positive work, such as killing of animals, harvesting unnecessary green trees, causing waste to someone, wasting waste water, etc. according to the Quran are sins.

Man has freedom to work on this earth. The means of the earth are allowed to be used. He has no punishment or reward for doing good and bad work. But with this freedom, God arranged to deliver the divine orders to the people living on the earth to live life exactly in that form and he sent his messengers (prophets) to every part of the earth, who sent the message of God to humans. Sent. It is said that the number of such messengers was around 1,6,000.

Read Here : Quran in Hindi 

Their message was one, their goal was one, to teach human beings to live according to the divine order of the Prophets, who had come to any part of the earth continuously for thousands of years. Because of the passage of thousands of years, in the divine orders, humans would create their own ideas, add their own convenience and create a new religion by distorting the original religion, and many times would act against the divine orders. Because every effective person wanted to see everyone bow down before his power.

After all, the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sall.) Came to this earth with the Quran and the Quran came with the challenge of God that God himself would protect it. A long time of 1500 years suggests that even after all the efforts of the Quran opponents, not a single word of the Quran has been changed. This book will remain in its original form till the Holocaust.

Click and Read : Quran in Hindi 

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