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CSI launches “Green School Programme”

The Church of South India (CSI) recently has launched a new initiative “Green School Programme” for CSI schools at the recently concluded teachers training programme.

CSI has recently held  third training for the teachers of the Church of South India (CSI) Schools on 29th July 2017 at the CSI Synod Centre, Chennai. Dr. Mathew Koshy Punnackad, Hon. Director of the ecological concerns of CSI Synod, explained the significance of the Green School Programme to the participants.

Addressing the teachers he said that the target before the CSI Synod now is to convert 1000 Schools of the CSI to Green Schools within the next five years and to improve the overall academic quality of the students by involving them in the Green School Programme.

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Dr. Narasimhan, an eminent ecologist, explained the philosophy behind the Green School Programme in his keynote address. Ms. Nisha Jacob took a class on the Green School Programme of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi, and demonstrated through the web on how to register online at the CSE Green School Programme. Dr. Regina, Associate Professor of Newbegin College, explained how the questionnaire to be filled by the teachers and the students before and after the Green Audit.

Morethan Seventy teachers from five southern states of India participated in the training.  Rev. Asir Ebeneser, director of SEVA, Rev. Maxcin John, director of Mission and Evangelism, and Rev. Sunil Raj Philip, director of communications, from the Synod Secretariat offered greetings. Ms. Augustina and Mr. Anish K Mathew, staff of the ecological department of the Synod, coordinated the programme.


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Post By yashoda