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Coronavirus Prevention – Things to Do, Including Lungs Care

Coronavirus Prevention – Things to Do, Including Lungs Care

Prevention, our sages have told us, is better than cure…with good reason. And, preventing coronavirus is definitely one of the best things you can do for yourself, family, friends, society and more…

Apart from maintaining hygiene and reducing as much physical contact with the infected as possible, there’s one grossly overlooked area where work must be done…your respiratory health.

Coronavirus with an incubation period of upto 14 days must find a safe haven where it can grow and thrive. And, that place is the largely undisturbed moist air sacs inside the lungs. Most people pay little attention to their breath, inhaling and exhaling in short gasps. The result is stale moist air inside the lungs, an ideal environment for a virus to breed extensively. Result: flu, asthma, coronavirus, pneumonia etc.

You owe it to yourselves, your family and those around you to improve your lung and respiratory health so that you do not easily contract the virus and then give it to those nearest to you.

Watch the video, understand the breathing technique explained and practice it regularly to protect yourself and your loved ones from an infection that’s worse than almost any known to man. Watch the videos of those infected as they cross over to the other side. There are plenty available online and the numbers are growing fast.

Do not become a state statistic…watch the video below and take action! Now!

This video outlines a breathing technique to strengthen lungs in order to build one’s immunity in view of the corona virus pandemic.

Please watch and share to spread awareness.

Writer : Rajesh Kanoi (rajyogi)

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