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IYD 2020 : Yoga for Healthy & Joyous Lifestyle

Yoga Yagya – 1 : Yoga for Healthy & Joyous Lifestyle

World will be celebrating International Yoga Day on June 21, and Religion World brings you a series of articles as a run-up to the day and present you how Yoga has been impiacting lives in this world. As part of this series, the first Part will look at how Yoga helps in leading a healthy as well as joyous life, which is want everyone is looking for in this fast-paced world.

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Yoga derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj, which is to mean to yoke, join or attach, and it is considered as any ‘practices’ that help facilitate a union between self and the Divine. There are four Yogas, viz., Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Yoga is based on the philosophy that is practical and useful for our daily lives. Yoga constructs desirable physiological alterations and has sound scientific foundations.

yoga types

It’s important first to understand the characteristic of modern life to explain the significance of Yoga in modern life. Globally it has been the characteristics of modern life in terms of work life, eating style and family life.

In terms of a busy life the people of the city have much work to do, as a result, they leave early in the morning and back home late, the time they have for rest is very short because they are driving in a very stressful traffic jam. The modern man involves not in a single activity but in diversities of activities for earning their life, and involve in strong business activities driven by technologies which makes the activities faster.

In terms of eating style the modern men have no sufficient time to cook his own food, and hence he/she consume from fast food restaurants which lack nutritional diet.


Family life, the family life is in most cases nuclear family type, and the time the father, the mother and children meet are very short, the role of both the mother and father play to fulfill the family demand is difficult and stressful.

The modern life lures us with comforts and conveniences. The price of which we pay in the form of obesity, hypertension, heart problems, which further pave the way for mental health issues encircling the society.

Practicing Yoga

Yoga in this modern time provided as the best solution for the sufferings of the modern man due to his/her dependency nature on modern technology and sedentary behaviors. Though the development of science and technology simplify life it also has an adverse effect on our life. In this modern times, physical labor is highly reduced which makes the modern man change his lifestyles. The change in lifestyle creates competition for survival which leads to suffering from stress both psychological and physical. Yoga provides a solution to such problem with the systematic exercises that it provides to those who are practicing.

Yoga Pose
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According to WHO – “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity”. Hence the contribution of Yoga in providing this integrated whole benefit to individuals who practicing Yoga in the day to day life is huge.

Regular Yoga practice builds mental lucidity and coolness, boost body awareness, relieves stress patterns, relaxes the minds and sharpens concentration. Yoga provides tools through which one can manage which the pain and helps contradict with the feeling of helplessness and depression.

Relates physical, mental, social and spiritual world

There is a strong interrelationship between the physical, mental, social and spiritual world. The malfunctioning of one has an impact on the overall functioning of our system. It is only when the physical body is in health, that the mind function properly and tension also be controlled. This makes the social and spiritual life smooth, so it is under this interrelated factor that Yoga aimed at to realize.

In Yoga, the other important thing is the breathing exercise. The breathing exercise performed in practicing Yoga is a solution for stress and anxiety. It is obvious that the modern life driven by science and technology resulted in such problem as stress and anxiety. Hence, while exercising the breathing exercise the anxiety and stress we are faced are gradually reduced.

Yoga helps to live in harmony with our environment; it helps us to give recognition for ourselves, the natural environment we are living and help us to peacefully interact with the society to which we belong.

In maintaining the physical health it is essential to balance our diet. The type of food we are eating has an effect on our body. Yoga teaches as an ethical principle we have to be selective of the food we eat and focus on vegetable food, and we have to avoid meat foods, and alcohols, drugs, and nicotine.

Practicing Yoga is significant in controlling all the problems resulted from modern life situation. Yoga is holistic which provide physical, psychological, social and spiritual benefits.

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Post By Religion World