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The ‘Damned’ Coronavirus – Beating It My Way

The ‘Damned’ Coronavirus – Beating It My Way

I don’t care what the experts have to say because they don’t have answers to my questions…at least not to most of them. In any case, all they’re suggesting is hygiene, social distancing and the like. To me, that’s not enough because they could insulate me for a while but for how long? In any case, most world leaders say, the virus will eventually infect 50%, 70% or even all the people.

Two weeks ago I sent out a questionnaire. It’s reproduced here for quick reference:

Coronavirus Incubation – Unasked Questions, Undiscovered Answers

One thing is clear to me. Coronavirus needs to incubate for a period of time inside the body before it can become capable enough to cause serious or lasting damage.

I searched online to try and understand a few questions about coronavirus incubation:

1. Where does Coronavirus incubate and for how long?

2. Why must the virus incubate and what exactly happens during incubation?

3. What happens if the virus is not able to incubate?

4. What are some of the things we can do to hamper coronavirus’s incubation?

5. If Coronavirus enters the body but is not able to incubate for whatever reason, what happens to the infected person?

6. If Coronavirus incubates in the respiratory tract and lungs, what are the things we can do to restrict the virus’s incubation?

7. If Coronavirus infects but cannot incubate effectively, well or long enough, does the infected person develop an immunity to the virus?

If you can help find answers to these questions and provide references to the answers you’ll do me, yourself and maybe, indirectly even humanity a great service.

Some questions are similar but they’re not the same. Though they appear to be repetitive they’re not, really.

Now, please get cracking and ask doctors, scientists, laboratory experts, online journals etc these questions…and share your findings with me and others.

Remember to share widely!

No one answered these questions…not the experts, not the doctors, not even laymen like me.

Now, since these questions could not be answered did not mean that I would not try and understand things in my own way.

If a guy can lie under a tree, see an apple fall, observe it and then make some deductions that later become the cause of him being acknowledged as a scientist and make Newton a household name, then I can also lie on a couch, observe what’s happening around the world and then make some logical deductions. It may not earn me a sobriquet as a ‘scientist’ but that’s not what I’m looking for, anyway.

What I am surely looking for is a way to help anyone who would open his ears and mind and take on the gauntlet to protect himself, his family, friends, loved ones and society.

To me, the answer, the so-called achilles’ heel of the coronavirus is its incubation.

If the ‘damned’ thing cannot incubate for any reason, it can’t do any harm…or at least, it can’t harm enough.

So, I’ve become an Arjun and the coronavirus’s incubation is the fish-eye and my breath is the arrow with which to pierce that eye.

And, that’s what I am doing. I’m breathing consciously, regularly and so completely, that I feel totally impervious to coronavirus. It may come and since it’s so tiny it could come from any source but having come I’ll not give it shelter or allow any conditions that it could find conducive to its well-being.

Let me share with you some of the things I do:

1. I steam my face in temperatures as high as my face allows for 5-7 minutes, twice a day…(hint: more than 56 degrees Celsius);

2. After steaming, I do my strong lung ventilation – blow hard through the mouth 5-7 times with tiny breaks after each (without inhaling) to empty my lungs, breathe slowly through my nose until the lungs are filled. I repeat the cycle 10/12 times;

3. Complete Yogic Breathing – then I do the CYB, breathe slowly through the nose to fill the lower, middle and top parts of the lungs, hold for a couple of seconds, then breathe out slowly from the lower lungs through the nose until they’re emptied. The cycle is repeated 15-20 times;

4. Yogic Jal Neti – with warm saline water. Many Yoga sites online can explain the method. If there’s still any confusion, please feel free to ask me;

5. Gargle – with tea in reasonably hot/warm water. Salt may be added for better results;

6. Vitamin C supplements;

7. Giloy – tablets, one pill, twice a day. It’s an Indian Ayurvedic herb which is also available in tablet form. It can be sourced through most Ayurvedic medicine shops;

8. Lots of morning sunshine on the rooftop;

9. Agni puja – with agnihotra materials viz. gobar (cow dung), ghee and akshat (unbroken) grains of rice to mantra jaap, preferably at sunrise/sunset;

10. Smile – stay relaxed and smile almost all day long. No it’s not tiring once the practice becomes ingrained.

You, too, may do these if you can find the will and unshakeable intention to do so. If not, please do steam and do the breathing exercises, in addition to any pranayama you might already be doing. Perhaps, like me, you will also feel invincible to coronavirus and a lot of other kinds of negativity as well.

Rajesh Kanoi Rajyogi

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