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Religion based Welfare Organisations: Sri Ram Ashram – Orphanage supports Education

Sri Ram Ashram, (literally “home” in Hindi), is located in the northern state of Uttarkhand, on 16 acres of farmland near the town of Haridwar.

Sri Ram Ashram is dedicated to providing a stable, loving family atmosphere to abandoned children. The orphanage accepts both infants and older children and equally values girls and boys. The orphanage supports education through college and aids in career development and marriage. We love it when our married children visit with their own children. All are considered family.

Sri Ram Ashram raises strong, confident children who are willing to work hard toward their dreams. Our aim is to honor their hard work with opportunities that allow each child to achieve their goals.


Baba Hari Dass was a silent monk whose life of discipline, yoga, and love inspired people around the world. Babaji (Baba means “Father” and ji means “respected”), was first and foremost a master yogi, having practiced the disciplines of yoga from childhood.

Babaji was born near Almora, India in 1923. He left home at the tender age of eight to begin his study and practice of yoga, that is when he met a young boy who lived at an orphanage. The boy told Babaji that the man who ran the orphanage beat the children. At this point, Babaji decided he would one day create a home for abandoned and destitute children where they would be treated with love and respect.

Before coming to the USA in 1971 at the request of several young students, he completed the traditional vows of a Vairāgī Vaiṣṇava (renunciate in the philosophical tradition of qualified non-dualism). It is from this classical grounding that Babaji taught ancient scriptures of Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, Bhagavadgītā, and Sāṁkhya Kārikā as well as the philosophy and practices of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jñāna Yoga, and Tantra Yoga throughout the USA and Canada.

Although Babaji lived in the USA until his death on September 25, 2018, Babaji never forgot his self-chosen promise to create a loving home for children in India. Beginning in 1983 Babaji came to India with his American students, searching for a suitable location. In 1984 Sri Ram Ashram and the Anath Sishu Palan Trust were established outside of Haridwar, Uttarakhand. The first child was welcome in 1987 and a children’s school, Sri Ram Vidya Mandir was started in 1994. Babaji traveled annually to spend time with his children and provide for their every spiritual, emotional, educational, and physical need.

Remarkably, Babaji took a vow of silence in 1951 and never spoke again. At first, it was a 12-year vow but at the end of the 12 years, he decided to continue this austerity because it brought him peace and inner silence. Often asked why he practiced such an intense austerity, he said that it kept him from saying any bad things, kept him from fighting, and quieted his mind. He taught by writing answers to formal questions on a small chalkboard, meeting countless people informally, demonstrating yoga practices, authoring spiritual books, and most profoundly by his example of love, still mind, boundless energy, discipline, and peace.

In addition to teaching the vast science of yoga, Babaji was an accomplished author, builder, philosopher, sculptor, the proponent of Ayurveda (the ancient Indian system of health and healing) and was conversant in several languages. Babaji and his teachings inspired Sri Ram Ashram and Shri Ram Vidya Mandir (Pk-12th School) in India, Mount Madonna Center and Mount Madonna School in California, and Salt Spring Center and Salt Spring School in British Columbia as well as countless students and individuals around the globe.

Babaji left his mortal frame peacefully on September 25, 2018.

Sri Rama Foundation

Sri Rama Foundation is a nonprofit organization (501 C-3) that supports Sri Ram Ashram, an orphanage for 80 destitute and orphaned children, and Shri Ram Vidya Mandir a school for 600 village children in Haridwar, India.

The Foundation is inspired by Baba Hari Dass, a lifelong yogi, and monk, who teaches the importance of developing positive qualities through selfless service and the practice of Ashtanga yoga with the aim of attaining peace.

Established in 1974, the Foundation also publishes books on yoga practice, yoga philosophy, inspirational stories, and teachings by Baba Hari Dass, as well as producing high-quality tapes and CD’s of devotional music.

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Sri Rama Foundation was initially established in 1974 by Ma Renu Horsting, who devoted her life to publishing the teachings of Baba Hari Dass, and to establishing a home for destitute and orphaned children in India. Making a loving home for homeless children was a dream of Babaji’s from childhood.

The work of the Foundation is funded by the generous donations of people from all over the world including the United States, Canada, Japan, and India.

In addition, the Foundation publishes numerous books on yoga practice, yoga philosophy, inspirational stories, and teachings by Baba Hari Dass. At Babaji’s request, all profits from his writings go directly to the Sri Ram Ashram project in India.

Sri Rama Foundation is named after Prince Ram, an aspect of the Hindu God Vishnu who represents sustenance and support. Prince Ram is the hero of the ancient Hindu epic the Ramayana. In the Ramayana, Prince Ram symbolizes dharma or righteous action, which leads to victory in the eternal struggle between positive and negative forces. Our logo is an artistic rendition of a symbol representing Vishnu, the sustainer of life.

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Post By Shweta