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HAN+MAAN = The Real Meaning of Hanuman

HAN+MAAN = The Real Meaning of Hanuman


What a misfortune of  depicting such a great warrior as a monkey and subsequently  as a Monkey God to be worshipped. This is most unfortunate as he was in  no way a monkey but was  a great learned warrior. Foremost one must understand that in the ancient times one was known by ones specialisation and not by ones name.

Examples:- Rishi Kannada the first Rishi who explained the atomic theory (Kan=atom + adh = fusion)

His real name was Ulooka

Even today when one says that he is  a member of lion club does not mean that he is a lion.

When one talks of a 12 horse power vehicle. It does not mean that there are 12 horses but indicates the power it carries. Similarly, even today in the army there are symbols of various animals which are symbolic in meaning.

If one further studies the monkey as a symbol it is SPEED and JUNGLE warfare This was also his speciality.

The word  HANUMAAN it comprises of two When one analyzes words HAN  and MAAN .

The etymology of these words is:- HAN as per Dhatu Path Adaadigan is :-  HINSAGATYOW       VIOLENCE SPEED

MAAN as per Dhatupath churadigan means STATIC.

So, a person who had such energetic weapons or knowledge of the same which could destroy even the huge static monuments/ buildings or structures was called HANUMAAN


There is a story that Hanumaan ji was very mischievous and was fond of red color and  one day seeing the sun that it was red in color he swallowed it. Subsequently on the request of various sages he brought it  out.  This story is also illogical but fascinating.

It was  usual practice that Sages of yore,in order to make scientific subjects easy narrated them in Story form and then explained the real meaning to the worthy students.

When one analyses the above story one has to understand the Etymology of the words.

SUN which is Red in colour  denotes High Energy (Rajogun)

Soorya (SUN) also has a root of SHOODH which as per Dhatu path adaadigan denotes creation


So, he was a specialist who absorbed (swallowed)/studied science of high energy.and weapons

. The science of High Energy which could CREATE (Soorya) weapons of great destruction and that is why as he had mastered this science he was requested to put them to use and he could have used his skill and weaponry even to burn Lankaa.

Unfortunately the real Rishis and sages passed away thousand of years ago and what remained were only stories which were in Vedic Bhaashaa but were in the later period translated in Sanskrit.  Sanskrit was derived from Vedic Bhaashaa, but unlike it, it was not vast, flexible or SUBJECT ORIENTED it was restrictive and such the translations were unscientific and even at times illogical.

Writer: Shri Daksha Bharadwaj is a spiritual writer and can be reached at –

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