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Yoga for Children’s Development

Yoga for Children’s Development

Yoga is beneficial to children of all age. Despite several misconceptions, yoga is beneficial to kids in many ways. Because children encounter emotional, social, and physical challenges or conflicts, a dedicated and intentional yoga practice that includes breathing techniques, behavioral guidelines, and physical postures can be incredibly valuable for them. Yoga is something children can practice anywhere and that the breathing, the concentration, the poses, and the way kids learn to act or react to situations, will lead to constant self-discovery and inquisitiveness. Plus, yoga is portable, and no mat, special clothing, or special pillow is absolutely necessary.

Within the realm of yoga, there is something for everyone.  A yoga session can consist merely of deep breathing, or it can incorporate simple or complicated poses depending on what the person is looking to get out of the practice.  Yoga is non-competitive and incorporates meditation, which adds to its power to relieve stress. For children and adults alike, yoga is a wonderful exercise that feels less like exercise and more like loving and respecting one’s body.  Yoga is a fantastic choice of exercise for kids of all ages because it has so many benefits and can be done almost anywhere.  Through yoga, kids can learn to live in the moment and focus on what they are doing at that moment.


Enhances Physical Flexibility: Yoga promotes physical strength because kids learn to use all of their muscles in new ways.

Refines Balance and Coordination: Balance is a key element of yoga. Balancing poses were created to promote mental and physical poise, as mental clarity and stability emerge from the effort of trying the poses.

Develops Focus and Concentration: The act of practicing poses encourages children to clear their mind and focus on the effort.

Boosts Self-Esteem and Confidence: Yoga helps to instill confidence and to bring learning to children on an experiential level.

Strengthens the Mind-Body Connection: Yoga helps kids achieve a sound mind in a sound body by exercising the physical body and calming the mental spirit.

According to Art of Living, the advantages of Yoga being taught to children:

·         Yoga develops awareness of body, mind and breath.

·         Helps arrest a child’s wandering mind. Builds attention span and concentration power.

·         Augments imagination and creativity.

·         Relieves mental and physical fatigue. Boosts energy levels and provides deep relaxation too.

·         Helps overcome negative emotions like jealousy, fear and anger.

·         Fosters a positive self image and increases confidence.

·         Increases breathing and lung capacity.

·         Exercises, strengthens and lengthens different muscles in the body.

·         Encourages healthy food habits. A blessing for parents who have to deal with picky eaters and junk food addiction

·         Reduces obsession with TV and other electronic devices

Resources are available for leading children in a yoga practice, such as

·         Cosmic Kids Yoga. Kids enjoy a story and scenery while breathing and practicing yoga poses.

·         YouTube Yoga Roundup. So Much Yoga has a roundup of what they determined to be the 7 best yoga videos for kids on YouTube.

·         5 tips for doing yoga with kids. These tips are a great reminder to keep the yoga age appropriate as well as fun, consider the time of day that you choose for practice, and incorporate relaxation and meditation.

·         Books, studios, videos and more. Super Healthy Kids lists where you can find yoga for kids, including specific books to check out.


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