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Is religion related to intelligence? Research says NO

Who is more smarter an atheist or a believer ? This Debate won’t end but this time a research by Edward Dutton from Ulster Institute for Social Research in UK and Dimitri Van der Linden of Rotterdam University in Netherlands has build a theory proving that atheists are more intelligent than religious people and thus given a new insight .

In a study that is published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science both the researchers have argued that the link between higher intelligence and atheism and lower intelligence with religion can be accounted for by our instincts. Thus having higher intelligence allows people to override these natural instincts and engage in more rational and therefore enhanced problem solving behaviour.
What next , now Dutton plans to look closely at the genetics of atheism, not only that it reflects high intelligence and low instinct, but that our instincts might be changing.

He says, ” I think most people think it is rational to be an atheist, but the reason why people are atheist is not necessarily some logical reasoned choice.” We have to wait for more research papers to reveal more of this truth but till then let atheist be more happy.

Post By Religion World