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Ayurveda: 3 Natural Foods Good for Skin and Hair

Ayurveda: 3 Natural Foods Good for Skin and Hair

Today let’s go near the nature, says Dr Deepali Bhardwaj who is our expert advisor on skin and hair.

She has studied in various countries Abroad like Germany, Iran, Bangkok etc and yet at her International standards clinic along with best machines and latest technology she has books of Ancient Ayurveda, Natural whole foods and she believes in Satvik life and treatments too!

Let’s discuss just 3 goodness of nature today:

Grapes are a great home remedy for sunburns. Apply the mashed grapes gently and generously on the affected area. Leave it on for around 30 minutes before washing it off with cold water. It contain proanthocyanidins and resveratrol that are powerful antioxidants. The application of grape seed extract on the skin provides protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation. It acts as a sunscreen by reducing the redness caused due to sunburns and also minimizes the damage borne by the skin cells. Stay youthful, stay   healthy explains our expert and leading Dermatologist Dr Deepali Bhardwaj who believes in Natural cures along with her scientific treatments and strongly believes in Ayurveda, Allopathy and Nature to walk besides in curing the human Body always from various skin, hair and mental disorders.

Kashta Daru – Polyalthia longifolia is  planted on the sides of highways, as it is very effective in reducing noise It treats worm infestation (in wounds and in intestines), urinary tract disorders, fever, skin diseases and in reducing Blood pressure Because of its mild laxative effect, it is useful in constipation confirms Dr Bhardwaj.

Lastly Onion juice for hair growth. Peel the onions and chop them into small pieces. Squeeze the juice out. To extract the juice, you can use a food processor, a blender, a grater or a juicer. Massage the juice into your scalp or cover the bald patches. Leave on for at least 15 minutes (longer if you can tolerate the smell) and then wash out using a mild shampoo. Repeat the onion juice treatment daily to encourage hair regrowth.

Bark decoction Kattha (Acacia catechu) for mouth ulcer. Bark is collected from a mature tree during early part of rainy season. This is dried under sunshade. A tablespoon of this is added with a cup of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup. Filtered. This is used for mouth gargling.   This is useful in stomatitis, gingivitis. It is also administered orally, 30 ml, 2 times a day before food for the treatment of eczema, scabies, dermatosis etc. Bark is dried and fine powder is made.  This powder is used for dusting over wounds and ulcers. It heals the wounds faster.


Bananas are a good source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Since one medium-sized banana contains a whopping 400-plus mg of potassium, the inclusion of bananas in your routine meal plan may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis.

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Jamun holds a firm place in Indian literature and religion. In Hindu mythology, Rama lived on jamun for 14 years after his exile from Ayodhya. Additionally, Krishna’s blue skin is described like the jamun, which is perhaps one reason why temples honoring Krishna also house a jamun tree or two.  Another text states how the Puranas split the cosmos into seven continents. The center continent housing humans was the island of jamun, or, Jambudweep.


Dr Deepali Bhardwaj MD(USA.IM),DVDL,M.Phil(Cosmetology), Allergy Fellowship Munich,Germany;Cosmetic surgeries,Iran. Honorary Dermatologist at President Estate Clinic in

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